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Ordering your cube off-the-shelf.

A fully assembled version is also available. Please note that cases are not available at the moment. We are still researching for a socket case, to make your cube look even more perfect.

Constructing your VisualCube.

Constructing a cube is simpler than it may seem first. Your kit consists of 3 components:
  • The board and a USB connection cable.
    The board comes pre-assembled with all electronic parts, except the LEDs, the wires connecting the LEDs and an optional case for hiding the interiours of the board are missing.

    Parts of construction kit

  • A set of 6x6x6+6 LEDs and wire.
    These parts have to be assembled manually by you.
  • A case.
    Please note that an official case is only available for the ready-mounted cube. However, a case is not functionally necessary since each shipped board is equipped with four rubber feet.

Tools you need for assembly:
  • A soldering iron.
    Preferably long, with a medium-sized tip.
  • Soldering tin.
    A fairly amount of solder.
  • A pair of pliers.
    For cutting, holding and straightening the wire.
  • A mold.
    It is optional, but may increase the quality of your results: A mold made out of wood, with equi-distant holes, helps keeping the same distance between the LEDs.

What now follows is a document containing a step-by-step guide how to assemble the cube in the most effective way. It describes more or less the same steps we would do for you. It further contains a data sheet, installation and programming instructions in case you are curious.

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